69,008 people get Tk 41.41 cr old-age allowance in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
A total of 69,008 people are getting old- age allowance worth around Tk 41.41 crore during the current fiscal in thedistrict. Besides, 15,110 other people with special needs are receiving disability allowance valued at around Taka 9.52 crore.
This was revealed in an allowance-book distribution ceremony among the age-old people and person with special needs at conference hall of Deputy Commissioner’s office in Rajshahi city.
Department of Social Services (DSS) organised the book-distribution ceremony. On the occasion, a total of 1,312 age-old people including 187 persons with special needs received their allowance books. Each of the age-old beneficiaries will get Taka 600 and the person with special needs Taka 700 per month from their respective account-holding banks.
Fazley Hossain Badsha, MP, and Deputy Director of DSS Rashedul Kabir addressed the function as chief and special guests respectively with Deputy Commissioner SM Abdul Kader in the chair. Additional Deputy Commissioners Md Shalahuddin, Sabet Ali and Nasima Khatun were present on the occasion.
Lawmaker Badsha says the beneficiaries have been getting their respectiveallowance timely through their own bank accounts. The present government has taken many steps including old-age- allowance for the welfare of poor people to help them passing their days without difficulty. “Considering their vulnerable condition, the government has increased their old-age-allowance and also number of beneficiaries from the current fiscal,” he said.
He expressed his gratitude to the government for enacting the national policy on elderly persons and called for enforcement of it as early as possible.
DSR farming process can reduce stress on groundwater
Large-scale promotion of direct seeded rice (DSR) farming process can lessen the pressure on groundwater in Barind area. DSR is the viable option to reduce the unproductive water flows. Water scarcity, common rice cultivation and increasing labour wages trigger searching for such alternative crop establishment methods which can increase water productivity.
Scientists and researchers made this observation while addressing a crop- cutting function titled “Water Saving Paddy Farming Technology: Direct Seeded Boro Rice Cultivation” at Khidra Kasipur village under Durgapur Upazila in Rajshahi district yesterday afternoon.