68th birth anniv of Dewanbagi tomorrow


The 68th holy birth anniversary of valiant freedom fighter , the great reformer of Mohammadi Islam Sufi Samrat Hazrat Syed Mahbub -e-Khoda Dewanbagi Hujur Qibla will be celebrated tomorrow ( Friday).
On the occasion , regional darbar sharifs , khanqah sharifs, Asek -e- Rasul Parishad, different organizations all over the country and offices of the World Ashek-e-Rasul organizations throughout the world will celebrate this programme with religious fervour.
Besides, the central office of Dewanbag Sharif Babe Rahmat will organize Asek -e- Rasul (SM0 Conference on December 15 . After Juma prayers, Sufi Samrat Hazrat Syed Mahbub -e-Khoda Dewanbagi Hujur Qibla will conduct Akheri munajat seeking divine blessings and prosperity of the world people.
