688,000 Rohingyas enter BD since Aug 25: IOM

UNB, Dhaka :
The number Rohingya arrivals from Myanmar to Bangladesh since August 25 last year now stands at 688,000 indicating that Rohingyas are still coming despite a repatriation plan is in progress between the two countries.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) quoting its ‘Needs and Population Monitoring (NPM) Baseline survey’ came up with the figure on Monday.
The UN migration agency, however, said the increase in the number is not as a result of a significant influx, but due to strengthened assessments.
The report was produced by the Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) in collaboration with humanitarian partners that covered January 15-20 period.
The UNHCR Family Counting and NPM will
continue to monitor and triangulate the population figures and report independently based on their individual methodology.
On January 16, Bangladesh and Myanmar signed a document on ‘Physical Arrangement’ which will facilitate return of Rohingays to their homeland from Bangladesh.