681 illegal establishments evicted in Gaibandha

BSS, Gaibandha :
A total of 681 illegal structures established on both sides of the road from Palashbari upazila town to Tulshighat Bazaar in the district had been evicted in last few days till Thursday.
Office sources said a large number of people had been running theirbusiness illegally through establishing structures on the both sides of the road owned by Roads and Highway Department (RHD).
Last year, the government took a project to widen the road from Palashbari to Gaibandha town so that the vehicles could move on the road smoothly.
Accordingly, the authority concerned served notices to the owners of the establishments to remove their structures but to no effect.
Finding no way, the team led by executive magistrate along with police forces conducted the drives on the road and evicted the 681 illegal structures from there.
Executive engineer of RHD Mohammad Asaduzzaman, sub divisional engineer Ramzan Ali, assistant engineer Afjalur Rahman and sub assistant engineer Apel Mahmud accompanied the teams during the drives.