63.49pc pass in HSC exam under CEB

Chittagong Bureau :
The results of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations was published on Sunday with an overall pass percentage of 63.49 % under Chittagong Education Board.
The pass percentage of last year was 70.6%.
Among the country’s 10 education boards, Madrasa Board topped the list in pass percentage, showing 90.19% success while 85.68% students have passed in the Technical Education Board., a CEB sources said.
Besides, 63.49 percent students have passed in Chittagong Board, 59.80% in Comilla, 74.57 % in Sylhet, 46.45% in Jessore Board, 77.54% in Rajshahi, 70.06% in Barisal and 70.36% in Dinajpur.
Board sources said under Chittagong Education Board , a total of 80,659 students of 217 colleges participated the ex am . out of total examinees , 62,130 are regular students, 17,676 irregular students and 408 private examinees. . Out of total pass , 39,380 students passed from Business group, 28750 students in Huminities group and 12,523 in science group and only 6 in Home Economics group.