60 school children fall sick taking deworming tablets

About 60 children of a primary school at Damurhuda of Chuadanga admitted to Upazila Health Complex as they fell sick after taking deworming tablets in empty stomachs marking the 'Deworming Week' beginning on Monday.
About 60 children of a primary school at Damurhuda of Chuadanga admitted to Upazila Health Complex as they fell sick after taking deworming tablets in empty stomachs marking the 'Deworming Week' beginning on Monday.

Staff Reporter :
Sixty children of a primary school of Damurhud in the district of Chuadanga fell sick after taking deworming tablets in empty stomach.
The incident took place on Monday. The students of 5-16 years across the country are being administered deworming tablets on the occasion of the underway National Deworming Week.
Deworming tablets are prohibited to in empty stomach. But the students were given that in empty stomach. As a result they begun vomiting, felt abdominal pain and nausea.
The sick students were hospitalised quickly, but were released after giving oral saline and adequate rest, the school sources said. However, doctors said there is nothing to be worried as deworming tablets sometimes may cause vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and nausea when the tablets work Some 4.06 crore children across the country are expected to take deworming tablets in the week.
