563 more households get power connection in Rajshahi villages

BSS, Rajshahi :
A total of 563 more households including three charitable organizations get new power connections in 17 villages under Charghat and Bagha Upazilas of the district Friday.
For the purpose, local office of Rural Electrification Board (REB) installed 7.839 kilometers of power distribution line and 35 transformers at a cost of around Taka 1.91 crore.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, MP, inaugurated the power supply schemes at Yousufpur area yesterday as the chief guest.
Addressing separate public meetings on the occasion, State Minister Shahriar Alam said power supply is indispensable and there is no alternative of it for elevating the living and livelihood condition of the peoples in general besides upholding the country’s development and production.
For this reason, the present government has attached highest priority to the sector and has been implementing massive and effective projects.
By 2017, all the households in Bagha and Charghat Upazilas will get power supply. The educational institutions having no power supply will also get electricity connection. Besides, there will no more non-concrete road in the two upazilas.
Shahriar Alam reiterated that the previous massive power debacle and load-shedding has been reduced to a greater extent. At present, people of the country don’t experience erratic power supply.
The government has been implementing prompt, short, medium and long- term planning which has helped the power sector attain unprecedented success. He said the government has increased power generation to 14,000 megawatts from the previous 3,200 megawatts.
Charghat Upazila Nirbahi Officer Abdus Samad, Bagha Pourasava Mayor Akkas Ali, REB General Manager Nitai Kumar Sarker and Deputy General Manager Abdul Kader also spoke on the occasions.
BGB-BSF meet discourses ways to check drug trafficking
A Battalion Commander level flag meeting between Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and Border Security Force (BSF) of India was held on Friday discussing ways and means on how to stop border killing and drug trafficking especially Phensidyle and illegal intrusion of people crossing the borderline.
The three-hour long flag meeting held at an Indian frontline opposite to BGB’s Mazar Diar outpost under Paba Upazila of the district.
In the meeting, cooperation was sought by BGB from BSF at the time of preparing record of rights and map along the border areas of Bangladesh and India. The same cooperation was also sought by BSF.
The meeting stressed the need for checking child, women and drug smuggling, maintaining better relation between the members of BGB and BSF during patrol duty and stopping illegal entry of the common people into either of the countries.
A 10-member BGB team headed by 1 BGB Battalion Commander Lt Col Sohel Uddin Pathan and the 10-member Indian BSF team headed by 83 BSF Battalion Commandant Zebu De Mathew attended the meeting. The staff officers and company camp commanders of both sides were also present at the meeting.
During the meeting, both sides agreed to solve the existing border problems between the two countries. They also stressed the need for checking smuggling, women-children trafficking and illegal entering from both the countries.
BGB Commanding Officer Sohel Pathan told the journalists that the meeting was held in a congenial atmosphere where bilateral issues of both the countries were discussed. Controlling of drug peddling and stoppage of killing at the border got top priorities at the discussion.
The discussion was held about stopping killing of Bangladeshi nationals at the border, stoppage of physical torture on Bangladeshis by BSF, checking of smuggling and drug trafficking, illegal trespassing and other bilateral border related issues in an amicable environment.
In the meeting, BSF and BGB have jointly agreed to stop smuggling at the frontier at all costs.
The meeting further decided that if any unwarranted problem evolves at the frontier, battalion commanders of both the countries will discuss the issue and solve that as soon as possible.
