55 RAB members in Narayanganj test Covid-19 positive


Staff Reporter :
A total of 55 members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) have tested positive for coronavirus in Narayanganj, one of the hotspots for the virus in the country.
RAB-11 Company Commander Lt Colonel Imran Ullah Sarkar confirmed the matter to The New Nation on Monday. Among the infected members, 41 are currently being treated at the makeshift isolation centres in RAB-11 headquarters at Adamji area of Shiddhirganj and Crime Prevention Special Company’s camp in the city’s old court area.
While rest of the patients are receiving treatment at Combined Military Hospital (CMH) and Rajarbagh Police Hospital, said Imran Ullah Sarkar.
Imran also said that three members of the battalion tested positive for the virus on April 16. The rest of them were infected later, gradually.
As of Monday, Narayangnaj has reported 1,054 Covid-19 cases with 50 deaths.
