54,412 students get primary scholarship


A total of 54,412 students got scholarship in the Primary terminal Examinations- 2013. The scholarships were given in two categories – – talent pool and general-on the basis of highest marks in the examinations held in November last year.
Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman announced the results at a press conference at his ministry’s conference room today. Senior officials of the ministry, among others, were present on the occasion.
Of the scholarships, 21,978 students were selected for talent pool scholarships while 32,434 got in general category. The recipients of talent pool category would get Taka 200 monthly while the general scholarship recipients would get Taka 150 monthly for the next three years. A total of 26,39,000 students appeared in the primary terminal examinations-2013.
Of them, 24,83,877 students became successful with 98.58 percent pass rate, according to the published results.
A total of 54,530 students received the scholarship in 2012, 54,918 students in 2011, 54,673 students in 2010 and 50,535 in 2009.
