50,000 policemen to be recruited, JS told


BSS, Dhaka :
State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan told the parliament that the government has taken a plan to recruit more 50,000 police personnel. “The ratio between police personnel and population in the country is not sufficient. Therefore, the government has taken a plan to recruit more personnel in the police department aimed at increasing manpower in all units of the law enforcement agency under the plan,” he told the House on Tuesday while replying to a question of treasury bench member M Anwarul Azim (Anar) during the question and answer session.
The state minister said the government is also considering proposals of Police Bureau of Counter Terrorism, Rangpur, Gazipur Metropolitan Police unit formation and Airport Armed Police Battalion for increasing manpower.
Meanwhile, the government has formed industrial police unit, Rangpur Range, Range Reserve Force (RRF) of Rangpur, Police Bureau of Investigation )PBI), two Security Protection Battalions, 30 In-service Training Centres, Tourist Police, Naval
Police unit, set up 30 new police stations and 64 investigation centres.
“The government has also created 30,879 posts in the police department, as part of the various reforms in the department,” Asaduzzaman informed.
He said the government procured 4,594 motor vehicles and distributed among various units of the police force, adding, police introduced online service to take services to the doorsteps of the people.
Besides, police personnel were also sent for different training courses in different countries by communicating with Interpol General Secretariat (IPSG) to raise skill and capacities to maintain pace with the changing patterns of crimes in the age of modern technology, Asaduzzaman added.
