Rangpur city still remains under water: 50,000 people take shelter at educational institutions

Mintu Abdur Rahman :
Around fifty thousand people especially who were vulnerable took shelter in different educational institutes of the city due to the inundation of entire Rangpur city.
A record break downpour submerged the city area on Sunday causing untold sufferings to the city dwellers. Mobile phone networks were also disrupted due to the long power cut.
Shyama Shunduri and Ghagot canals of the city were overflowed and other drains clogged causing the slow drainage of water from the city. Many of the areas of the city still remained underwater on the second day -Monday although water started to recede. Around fifty thousand people took shelter in different educational institutes of the city. Many of the residents took shelter in their relative’s houses.
The district administration and Rangpur City Corporation has started distributing dry food and aide among the vulnerable people.In many areas of the city, local leaders and affluent people arranged food support for the victims who took shelter in schools. Deputy Commissioner, Asib Ahsan said, the distributed dry food among three hundred families today in different wards of the city. The food support will be continued until the situation improves.
Panel Mayor, Rangpur City Corporation, Mahamudur Rahamn Titu said, the city area is around two hundred squire kilometers. About fifty thousand vulnerable people took shelter in different educational institutes of the city as their houses went underwater. He demanded immediate food support for the victims.
Mahamudun Nabi Babul who was the chairman of Alamnagar Station Road Government Primary School Committee said, “We with the assistance of local councilors and affluent people arranged food support for around two hundred victim people who took shelter in our school.”
Abdur Rahman, a day labour, at Mandolpara of the city said, he along with his family took shelter in a Primary School as his house went underwater. He has been suffering from food shortages and money. Rawsan Jahan, a non- government High School teacher who was the resident of Kerani Para of the city said, she had to rent a house despite of her scarcity for relocation as her house still remained underwater.
Rangpur City Corporation Mayor Mostafizur Rhaman said, they distributed 20 metric tons of rice among the vulnerable people. The support will be continued. “We instructed all the ward councilors to take care of the vulnerable people.The city corporation is trying to clear the drainage system in the city for receding water soon.”
 He also noted that the construction of improved drainage systems has been going on fast in every ward of the city.