5-year old girl ‘raped’ in Faridpur hospital

Staff Reporter :
A five-year-old girl has been allegedly raped by a the director of the canteen of Faridpur Medical College and Hospital in district Sadar upazila.
The victim has been transferred to the One-Stop Crisis (OCC) of the hospital on Friday morning, said SM Khabirul Islam, Principal of the medical college.
Law enforcers arrested the man, Md Aminur, 56, reports our local correspondent.
A case was filed with Sadar Police Station against him on Friday, said AFM Nasin, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of the police station.
An intern doctor of the hospital, and eyewitness of the incident on Wednesday, said, “While drinking tea at canteen, I heard screams of a girl coming from a bathroom. Then I rushed there and saw Aminur leaving the place”.
“Some of my colleagues and I caught Aminur and handed him over to the police later,” the intern wishing not to be named said.