5 times Bollywood actors helped the less privileged in their films

Our Bollywood heroes don’t just step in when their damsel is in distress. Many a times, actors have touched hearts by stepping in for a noble cause in their movies. Here’s recounting five such exemplary instances…
Shah Rukh Khan in Raees
The newest entrant on the list is Shah Rukh Khan’s character Raees Alam in Raees.
He might be a baddie but his compassionate acts of building homes for villagers and providing food for Hindus despite being a Muslim won us over.
Anil Kapoor in Mr. India
In the movie, Anil Kapoor’s character Arun, could barely survive yet he took it upon himself to rent out a house for orphans. If that wasn’t enough, he even used his ‘invisibility’ to fight crime and corruption. Talk about being noble.
Akshay Kumar in Airlift
Ranjit Katiyal, portrayed by Akshay Kumar, not only put his privileged life aside but risked his own in order to rescue his stranded countrymen. His feat of helping out over 170,000 Indians is something every viewer appreciated.
Shah Rukh Khan in Swades
Giving up a high-flying job in NASA to help out a small village in India is indeed commendable. SRK’s character Mohan makes a significant difference in the lives of the less privileged.
 He not only urged the importance of education but set up a hydroelectric power facility to ease their living.
Asin in Ghajini
A girl we could all relate to was Kalpana (Asin) from Ghajini. She not only spent time with and cheered up children, she also didn’t hesitate one bit to taka a stand when she witnessed 25 young girls being trafficking.
Hey, that was about the movies. Here’s what you can do in real life – Tetra Pak has launched an inspiring campaign, ‘Cartons le aao, classroom banao’.
It is a recycling initiative that motivates people to deposit their used Tetra Pak cartons at the nearest Sahakari Bhandar or Reliance Fresh, so that they can then recycle them into desks, notebooks and entire classrooms for lesser privileged children.
Tetra Pak has also launched a video showing a child enthusiastically collecting the cartons from his home to be deposited at a collection centre because he wants to do his bit for the cause.
Tetra Pak’s cartons recycling campaign has created a stir as it not only raises awareness among the citizens about the importance of environment conservation but also inspires them to help the lesser privileged.
Check out the ‘Cartons le aao, classroom banao’ campaign video and learn not only how you can protect natural resources and reduce the impact of climate change but also help the lesser privileged.