5-point demands of city dwellers to mitigate water-logging

Chattogram Bureau :
The city dwellers of Muhuripara, Gulbagh, Daiapara, CDA residential area under Agrabad ward of the city corporation submitted memorandum to city mayor AJM Nasir Uddin demanding immediate mitigation of water-logging in the areas .
 The memorandum was handed over to Mayor at a function held at Daipara on Saturday morning .
The memo was tobadld that the residents of Agrabad had been suffering from the curse of water logging every day and the houses in the areas, business houses and educational institutions are also suffered .
The demands include, renovation of road from Gulbag residential area to Fulkali crossing, development of access road through increasing height, renovations of drains and culverts in these areas, broadening of drains that crossed through Gulbagh area, and reconstruction of bylines of Muhuripara .
The city mayor assured the local residents to resolve the ongoing water logging problems as the government has undertaken mega projects in this respect.
Chattogram WASA takes measures to ensure water supply: Chattogram Water and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) has taken various steps to ensure uninterrupted water supply to city dwellers during holy month of Ramadan.
To ensure smooth water supply during the Ramadan, the CWASA has already set up a number of tube wells with a daily production capacity of two million litres of water side by side repairing a few inoperative ones.
Besides, the CWASA authority has also decided to open control rooms, form vigilance teams and supply free water in different slum areas in the city.
Currently, CWASA produces 29 crore litres of water per day against the demand of 45 crore litres which is insufficient in meeting the growing demands of nearly 60 lakh city dwellers for domestic, commercial and industrial consumption, a top official of CWASA told BSS.
CWASA Managing Director Engineer AKM Fazlullah told BSS that they have formed three vigilance teams to monitor different establishments of the CWASA during the holy month.
The vigilance teams started to visit different slum areas to mitigate the sufferings of people, he added.
“Moreover, we have kept our teams ready for providing immediate solution to the water supply problems at any place of the city”, he added.