5 more cos fined Tk 19,000 for installing Eng signboard in city


City Desk :

A mobile court has fined five more companies Tk 19,000 for writing signboards in English. CCC Executive Magistrate Marufa Begum Nelli conducted a mobile court in the metropolitan area on Saturday at the initiative of Chittagong City Corporation.
Shah Amanat Traders of Stadium Market was fined Tk 5,000, BOQ RTk 5,000, Swiss Arabian Tk 2,000, Sugar Bunn on CRB Road Tk 5,000 and Coopers Tk 2,000 for not writing the company’s signboard in Bengali. The Chittagong Metropolitan Police Magistrate assisted in the operation.
It is to be mentioned that on Friday, the mobile court has fined 4 companies including Flavors Premier Sweets at GEC corner for violating the law by writing the signboard of the company in English.
