5 held with arms in city

UNB, Dhaka :
Detectives in a drive arrested two alleged members of a robber gang and three arms traders along with three pistols, 20 rounds of bullet and a machete from Golapbagh and Waizghat area in the capital early Wednesday.
The arrestees were identified as Sagar Hossain, 24, alias Dakat Sagar, leader of ‘Dakat Sagar’ robber gang, his associate Al-Amin, 23, arms traders Emdad Hossian, 36, Benwar Hossain, 24, and Chan Miah, 45.
Joint Commissioner of DB Monirul Islam said being tipped off, a team of DB police launched a drive at Golapgbagh under Jatrabari Police Station and
arrested Emdad, Benwar, Chan Miah and Al-Amin and recovered two firearms and 12 round bullets from their possession around 11:35pm on Tuesday.
According to the statement Al-Amin police arrested ringleader Sagar from Waizghat area under Kotoali Police Station along with a firearm and eight rounds bullet and a machete around 4:35am.
Sagar and his gang members collected these firearms from the arms dealers for killing two councilor candidates of Dhaka South City Corporation, Sagar reportedly confessed to police during interrogation.