5 CoU students to get PM Gold Medal 2017

Jahed Nohim, CoU :
A total of five students from different faculties of Comilla University (CoU) have been selected for the Prime Minister Gold Medal 2017 for their outstanding academic results.
Recently University Grand Commission (UGC) has disclosed a list of students who are selected for Prime Minister Gold medal 2017.169 students of different universities will get this gold medal.
Among those 169 students, there are 5 CoU students. The information is learnt from UGC website.
UGC chairman Prof Abdul Mannan informed that they are hopeful that Prime Minister will hand over the medals in a suitable time by arranging a function.
The selected students are: Tanzina Yeasmin (CGPA 3.93) from Business Studies Faculty (Marketing department), Tahmina Akter (3.89) from Engineering faculty (ICT department), Mahinur Akter (3.87) from science faculty (Mathematics department), Sabikun Nahar (3.50) from Arts and huminities faculty (Bangla department), Sayeda Suraya Sultana (3.83) from Social Science faculty (Economics department).