48 surrendered jungle pirates return to normal life

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Tendency is increasing gradually among the jungle pirates who are still active in Sundarban forest to surrender to the different law enforcing agencies and return to normal life.
By this time some 72 jungle pirates belonging to as may as 8 gangs of jungle pirates of Sundarban forest ceremonially surrendered to the Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal along with 164 fire arms and a huge quantity of ammunitions.
Some 48 of them were released on bail from the jail and returned to the normal life and each of them was given a sum of Tk.20 thousand in cash and legal support from the Government for their rehabilitation.
It is learnt from RAB-8 that several thousand fishermen and Bawalis (wood cutters and Golpatha collectors) who depend on the resources of Sundarban forest were in great panic for fear of jungle pirates who used to kidnap and physically torture them in order to realize cash Taka as ransom and extract money as illegal taxations. Sometimes the jungle pirates used to kill the Bawalis and the fishermen when they (jungle pirates) fail to realize money from them (fishermen and Bawlis).
During the hilsa season the jungle pirates become more furious and violent. The matter was ventilated in the different print and electronic medias regularly. This alerted the RAB and other law enforcing agencies. In this connection a task force was formed comprising RAB, police, coastguards, BGB and the forest guards in order to subdue the jungle pirates in the coastal areas and Sundarban forest. This task force began to raid the different places of the forest and the coastal areas regularly with a view to suppressing the jungle pirates. Some 6 jungle pirates were killed in the year of 2016 alone at the time of raids. Following the repeated raids of the task force jungle pirates were killed in gun fights took place between the jungle pirates and the law enforcing agencies.
At one stage the jungle pirates were forced into a corner and they morally became weak. In the face of strict measures taken by the law enforcing agencies a good number of jungle pirates decided to give up the piracy and surrender to the law enforcing agencies.