4,000 Ansar men to guard rail tracks

UNB, Dhaka :
Some 4,000 Ansar members will guard risky points of the railway network in 40 districts across the country to ensure security of the rail tracks as a countrywide transport blockade enforced by the BNP-led 20-party alliance is underway.
The Home Ministry issued a notification in this regard on Wednesday.
The ministry also wrote a letter to the Directorate General of the Ansar and VDP to take necessary steps in this regard, Senior Secretary of the Home Ministry Mozammel Haque told UNB.
“We’ve taken the measures to prevent acts of sabotage on the rail tracks during the movement,” he said.
The Ansar members will perform duties round the clock and will remain deployed until further notice, the senior secretary added. He, however, could not exactly say when the Ansar men will start their duties.