400 students accorded reception


Some 400 poor but meritorious students from village level schools were accorded reception for creating more inspiration among themselves towards education besides taking the literacy rate up to cherished mark.
Paba Area Development Programme (ADP) of World Vision Bangladesh organized the reception and prize-giving ceremony at Shilpakala Academy auditorium in Rajshahi city yesterday. Large number of students from Paba Upazila of the district, teachers and members of the civil society attended the programme.
Deputy Commissioner of Rajshahi Kazi Ashraf Uddin addressed the programme as chief guest with Diamond Jesper Ghagra, Manager of Paba ADP, in the chair.
During his welcome speech, Laurence Mondal, Programme Officer of ADP, narrated aims and objectives of the programme alongside various aspects of total literacy.
DC Kazi Ashraf Uddin underscored the need for creating awareness among the village people on importance of institutional learning to free the society from the curse of illiteracy.
Total literacy isn’t possible until all the village people, particularly the poor and
marginal, are brought under the institutional literacy activities. There is no alternative to
create child-friendly atmosphere in the village level schools to make those effective to the
He added that the parents’, especially the mothers’ role is very vital to make the
grassroots level primary and high schools more functional together with enriching their children with moral and social values.
The mothers have deserved the rights to make the services of the teachers and others
concerned transparent and accountable through proper surveillance.
