Promotion in Janata Bank: 400 officials become victims of discrimination in Chattogram zone


Chattogram Bureau :

About 400 employees including senior officials under Chattogram Divisional zone fall victim with discrimination in getting promotions in different posts.
 The management is not evalluating their long experiences in respective posts year after years, a sufferer on condition of annoymity told the media persons recently. Sources said among the officials those completed Banking Diploma after joining were given promotion.
It is alleged that promotion interview committee behaving step motherly treatment with the senior and talent bank officials by promoting the juniors in adopting unfairmeans and nepotism . So the seniors and experienced officials are being deprieved of promotion . Also alleged that management is not looking after talents and experienced officials in case of promotion. Sources alleged that following the political persuations and nepotism , these promotion cases are being considered. In this matter of promotion, senior and experienced officers blamed the existing promotion policy . They said promotion based on the basis of 100 marks but the Banking Diploma Holders aggregates with 6 numbers, so the new Diploma hodler officers get priority for promotion.
 As a result the newly appointed Diploma Holding Bank officers getting change in promotion list than the senior and experience officers. Under the existing promotion policy , the sincere and experienced officials are under evaluating. After getting promotions, the new comer officers enforce co mmand on experienced officers and officials. As a result the senior and experienced officers are dire fraustrated in their works and none is looking after their miseries .
 A sufferer told that the field level Volt Incharge or Key Holers of Sonali Bank in case of promotion get 5 No. aggregate marks but it is not complying in Janata Bank. These nationalised Banks are behaving step motherly treatment .
An officer of Janata Bank on condition of annoymity told that it it essential to give promotion of officials on the basis of experience those are working for 30 to 35 years sans Banking Diploma.
 Meanwhile, the senior officers are losing their working speeds lack of timely promotion. On the other hand , new comers and less experienced officers are gettig promotions with lame excuse of Banking diploma. Now promotion cases are being considered as per present promotion policy rather old proceedures. Janata Bank largely benefitted from Chattogram region but step motherly treatment is experiency to the officers working in this region in case of promotion. The officials so appointed in JB service subject to conditions of transfer from one branch to another branch after completing alleast three years but a number of officials are working in same branch of the region since his appointment in the Bank. As a result the juniors are deprieved of right positions in the branch due to seniors impact and the juniors are being harasnesed in different ways.
It is revealed from Chattogram divisional office that there are 81branches of JB in this division i.e. 26 in A Zone, 21 in B Zone, 17in C Zone and 10 in Coxsbazar zone. Besides, there are 4 corporate branches.
About 800 officers and employees are working in these branches and out of the totals, 400 with out diploma in Banking rather good working speeds and experiences rather than the diploma holders. Deputy General Manager of A -zone Humayun Kabir Chowdhury told that the diploma holder always aggregates with 6 marks than the non-diploma holders and according to marks in the confidential reports, the new comer diploma holders are getting privilege in promotion case.
 Another DGM of the bank Faruk Ahmed said promotion case are considered as per existing policy of the respective banks. He also apprised that a number of MBA degree s woolders are working years after years but lack of Banking diploma, they are deprived from promotion.
I also feel for these officers but undone. Deputy GM of C-zone Md. Zakaria said, lack of Banking diploma , the experienced officials are legging behind than the new comers. He said we also want promotions of the experience and senior officials but due to existing promotion policy , they are being deprived of promotions.
A number of Bank officials told the media men that Banking diploma is essential for Bank service and accordingly promotion policy enacted.
An officer on condition of anonymity told New Nation that MBBS degree needs for medical practitioners as like as Banking Diploma is essential for Banking service and there no provisions of superceeding the existing promotion policy.
While contacted General Manager of Chattogram Divisional office of Janata Bank Kamrul Ahsan said, the new comers are entering in Bank service having diploma or attained diploma after appointment but the old and senior official who joined Bank service without Bank diplojma rather they have MBA or BBA degree.
In ascertaining the promotions of the officials, diploma holding officials supersedes by 6 marks more than the non-diploma holders.
He said as per existing promotion policy(Circular Notice No.815/18 dt.20.5.18) , promotion cases are being executed .
