Severe cold spell: 400 child patients admitted to hospitals in Sylhet

Sylhet Correspondent :
Biting cold accompanied by dense fog has swept over the country for the last several days, paralysing normal life in Sylhet district.
Due to severe cold spell accompanied by dense fog, people, especially children and older ones, are being affected with different cold-related diseases including diarrhoea and pneumonia.
More than 400 child patients have been admitted to different hospitals with the diseases in the last one week. Besides, more than hundred child patients have been treated at the Emergency Department of the hospitals.
Sylhet MAG Osmani Hospital sources said in the last one week around 250 children have been admitted to the hospital with diarrhoea and pneumonia infections. Besides, more than 350 children have been admitted to ten upazila complexes of the district.
As the children’s ward cannot accommodate the increasing number of child patients, many of them have taken shelter on the floor of the hospitals.
Guardians of some child patients Abul Hossen, and others alleged that the upazila health complexes do not provide required treatment and medicines for the patients. Most of the medicines have to be bought from outside, they informed. If the doctors and nurses are asked about treatment and medicine, they commit unruly behaviour with the patients’ attendants, they further alleged.
On the other hand, most of the health complexes and hospitals are in unhygienic condition for which patients and their attendants suffer most.
In this connection, Child Consultant of Sylhet MAG Osmani Hospital Dr A Uddin said most of the child patients have been affected with rotavirus and other diseases due to cold. Every day, 80-90 patients are treated at the Emergency Department of the hospital, he informed.
Resident Medical Officer of Hospital Dr Anwar Hossen said there is no dearth of medicines at the hospital. The doctors and nurses are trying their best to combat the situation, he added.
Civil Surgeon of Sylhet said the patients’ allegations would be dealt with. Though huge number of child patients has been admitted to the hospitals, there is no report of casualties, he added.