Lack of proper treatment, conciousness: 40 die , 586 attacked with TB in Narail this year


Enamul Kabir Tuku, Narail :
A human saying is that anyone who is attacked with tuberculosis (TB) will be sure to meet unnatural death.
Such a saying has been baseless due to introducing modern method of systematic treatment among the people in towns as well as rural villages. Now the Government Hospitals along with the BRAC and deferent NGO’s have been motivated and conscious to find out the TB attacked patients and their treatment respectively. The said institutions are initiated to examine their cough and will continue to give them treatment with all kinds of medicines to survive them free of cost to curability from the fatal disease. In this situation the organisers including Doctors call up all stages of people to come forward for their encouragement to be successful of the mission. TB is not a tenacious disease today. Awareness against this fatal disease is its real treatment.
Recently held in a round table sitting A. Gaffar Khan Deputy Commissioner, Narail attended as the chief guest while Dr. Abdus Samad civil surgeon presided over the conference of the journalists of the district. In speaking the chief guest stressed and alerted all walks of people to be saved from the attack of TB. He called upon all to be initiated of the fatal disease. He added that TB patients though ours, but fatal disease is not ours. He also said that not only journalists but all stages of teachers must be responsible to be protected from the attack with TB and the students and teachers must be alerted of the terrible disease. The students must be conscious from the disease.
Civil Surgeon Dr. Abdus Samad in his speech consoled that Tuberculosis now a days is not a fatal disease if all walks people get ready from the seriousness of the TB The patients must get all types of treating facilities in their door steps if they feel doubtless of TB attack. He revealed that any limbs of body may be attacked with TB expect nail and hair of a human body.
