4 sent to jail for giving false testimony


A court of Chittagong directed to send four persons to jail for giving false testimony. The persons identified as Roksana Haque Rumu, Arju Rahman, Rashedul Haque and Rashid Ahmed. Sources said, one Anwar Hossain, living in USA and used to come to Bangladesh sometimes. He divorced his wife Rehena Akhter in 2011.
Rehena Akhter filed a case against Anwar Hossain claiming that her husband demanded dowry to her. But, the court released Anwar Hossain from the charge of the dowry case on June 8 in 2016 last as he was not found guilty.
Daughter and sons of Anwar respectively Roksana Haque Rumu, Arju Rahman and Rashedul Haque and his then brother in law Rashid Ahmed gave false testimonies in connection with the dowry case against him. Anwar Hossain filed a case against his children and then brother in-law for giving the false testimonies.
The hearing of the case held before the court of the Child and Women Repression Tribuna-l2. The judge of the Tribunal Motaher Ali directed sending the accused to jail cancelling their bails.
