4 rules should be followed by Chikungunya patients

City Desk :
The Chikungunya patients should follow at least four rules to get quickly rid of this viral fever, now a common household sickness in the country.
“The fever is curable in seven days by drinking enough water, taking paracetamol, total rest and normal food intake, especially sea food. So, there is nothing to be panicked,” said Dr Shamim Ahmed, an associate professor of the Medicine Department, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Chikungunya is infected into human bodies by infected two types of mosquitoes -Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, he said, adding that they mainly bite during the day. In Bangladesh, such kinds of mosquitoes appear in May to July, he told. The physician said the main symptoms of the disease are high fever (40oC or 104oF) with joint pain and the symptoms generally appear between 4 and 7 days after these mosquitoes bit the patients.
“Other symptoms are headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, and a rash. Most people feel better in a week; however, occasionally the joint pain may last for months,” he added.There is no specific antiviral drug treatment for chikungunya, said Dr Shamim adding that the treatment is directed primarily at relieving the symptoms, including the joint pain using anti-pyretics, optimal analgesics and fluids.
He, however, urged the people to be aware about the Chikungunya saying prevention and control are the best ways to reduce the breeding of such mosquitoes born in closed water containers or artificial water-filled pots here and there.
“During the outbreak of this disease, insecticides can be sprayed to kill flying mosquitoes in the surfaces in and around, where the immature larvae of such mosquitoes are found,” he added.
He called for taking basic precautions by people travelling to risk areas and these include use of repellents, wearing long sleeves and pants and ensuring rooms are fitted with screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
