4 NGO officials killed in Tangail mishap

Four officials of a private NGO have been killed when a truck rammed into their pickup van in Tangail’s Kalihati.
Four officials of a private NGO have been killed when a truck rammed into their pickup van in Tangail’s Kalihati.

The accident took place on the Dhaka-Tangail Bangabandhu Bridge around 7am on Saturday, police said. Another person was also injured in the accident. Both the injured and dead were passengers of the van, Bangabandhu Bridge east police SI Anisur Asheikin said. Their identities could not be ascertained immediately. SI Ashekin said, “We learnt that officials and staff of ‘Ananya’, an NGO based in Pabna, were on the van. Four of them died.” However, the NGO management said five people died in the accident. Quoting locals the SI said the truck smashed the front of the van completely.Mizanur Rahman Prince, manager of Green Palace International Hotel and Restaurant, an affiliate of the NGO, said five people were killed in the mishap — four were officials and the other was the driver of the van. The dead were Ananya’s Executive Director Abdul Hamid, Directors Azim Uddin and Alauddin and Accounts Officer ‘Mokhles’, he said. Prince could not give details about the driver. Police seized the truck, but its driver managed to flee.
