4 killed as Israeli-Palestinian violence continues

Al Jazeera News :
Three Palestinians have been shot dead and an Israeli has been stabbed to death during alleged attacks in the occupied West Bank and West Jerusalem, as violence between Palestinians and Israelis continues unabated.
On Monday afternoon, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man near the central West Bank city of Ramallah after allegedly stabbing an Israeli settler to death, Israeli media reported.
The attack came just hours after 16-year-old Alaa Hashash was shot dead by Israeli troops as he reportedly tried to stab a soldier near the West Bank village of Huwwara, situated south of Nablus.
In an earlier incident, Hadeel Awwad, 16, was shot dead by an Israeli security guard, while her 14-year-old cousin Norhan Awwad was seriously wounded by Israeli police as they allegedly attempted to stab two Israelis near a central market in Jerusalem.  
Luba Samri, an Israeli police spokeswoman, said the two stabbed a man next to the Mahane Yehuda market, but Israel’s medical service said there were two male victims, aged 27 and 80.
Purported CCTV footage of the incident showed that the two teenagers were carrying scissors at the time they were shot. Mahane Yehuda is West Jerusalem’s best-known market and a popular tourist destination.
Tensions have boiled over into unrest in recent months, as Palestinians continue to protest Israel’s ongoing occupation and an uptick in Israeli incursions into occupied East Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third holiest site for Muslims.
Israeli forces have used force against protests, including live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas, among other weapons. Since October 1, Israeli troops or armed settlers have killed at least 93 Palestinians, including unarmed bystanders, protesters and suspected attackers. At least 16 Israelis have also been killed by Palestinians in stabbing or shooting incidents.
The incidents were originally focused in and around Jerusalem but have shifted to the occupied West Bank, particularly in and around the flashpoint city of Hebron.
Monday’s shooting death and reported stabbings was the first clash in Jerusalem in nearly two weeks.
The violence follow the shooting of three Palestinians on Sunday after civilians and security forces intervened during alleged attacks on Israelis in the occupied West Bank. An Israeli woman was stabbed to death in one of the incidents.
At least 9,171 Palestinians were injured during clashes with Israeli troops or settlers between October 1 and November 10, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.