4 jungle pirates get 20 -yr RI in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Md. Zakaria Hossain, Additional District and Session Judge of Bagerhat, in a judgment delivered on Thursday, convicted 4 jungle pirates of Sundarban forest and sentenced them to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 20 years on the charge of committing piracy in Sundarban forest.
The convicted jungle pirates are Shamsu, Julhan Shaikh, Md. Bellal Faraji and Aslam Khan. At the time of delivering the judgment only Shamsu was present in the court and 3 others were absconding.
The prosecution story, in short, is that on December 08 in the year 2012 while some 50 fishermen were catching crabs from Tafalbari canal under Sharankhola forest range in the Eastern Division of Sundarban forest a gang of jungle pirates known as Shamsu Bahini appeared there and made the fishermen hostage in order to realize a hand some amount of cash Taka as ransom. After the incident a contingent of Khulna RAB-6 led by its DAD Dilip Kumar Bagchi raided the forest and arrested Shamsu, the ring leader of Shamsu Bahini and recovered 2 home made guns and 20 live cartridges from his possession. In this connection DAD Dilip Kumar Bagchi registered a case with Sharankhola PS. ASI Anjan Das of Sharankhola PS investigated into the matter and submitted a charge sheet to the court against Shamsu and 3 others as per the statement given by Shamsu.
The learned judge after examining the evidences and witness found the accused persons guilty and awarded them the aforesaid punishment.