4 held on charges of raping 15-year-old girl in Bhola

Our Correspondent :
Four youths have been arrested in Monpura upazila of Bhola on charges of raping a 15-year-old girl.
The girl has been sent to Bhola General Hospital for medical tests.
The arrestees have been identified as Md Shakib (18), Zobaer Hossain (18), Karim (19) and Md Shamim (18).
Police said six youths, including the four arrestees, picked up the victim from her aunt’s house at Monpura union when she went out of the house to go to the toilet on the night of September 7.
According to the case statement, the accused raped the girl inside two separate school buildings on that night and fled the scene. Later, locals rescued the girl.
Local representatives tried to settle the issue outside the court. But when police came to know about the matter, they took the girl into their custody.
Based on the statement of the victim, they arrested three of the accused on Thursday and another one yesterday after the Victim’s aunt filed a case, said Officer-in-Charge of Monpura Police Station Sakhawat Hossain.
The arrested persons will be produced before the court with remand prayers later in the day, the OC said.