4 get life-term for killing trader

Chattogram Bureau :
A Chattogram court yesterday sentenced four persons to life-term imprisonment for killing a trader seven years back.
The 2nd court of Chittagong Additional District and Sessions Judge Mohammad Nure Alam pronounced the verdict convicting Mohammad Shahab Uddin, Mohammad Enamul, Mohammad Mehraj and Mohammad Rashed.
The court also fined them Taka 20,000 each, in default, to suffer more one year imprisonment.
The prosecution story is, in brief, CNG three-wheeler driver Meharaj along with his three accomplices picked up Mohammad Yousuf in his vehicle on November 1, 2011.
As the CNG auto-rickshaw started moving, the convicts strangled Yousuf to death using scurf and looted his cash, valuables and cell phone.
The convicts dropped the victim in Umtal area of Boalkhali upazila and left the place. Police recovered the body from the aforesaid area the following day.
Victim’s younger brother Mohammad Faruk filed a murder case with Boalkhali thana on November 2 in 2011. Police submitted charge sheet accusing four people on February 20, 2012.
The court pronounced the judgment after examining 14 prosecution witnesses.