4 get death penalty for killing Nasiman driver in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Md Hafizur Rahman, judge of Bagerhat District and Session Judge Court-1, in a judgment delivered on Thursday, convicted 4 persons and sentenced them to be hanged till their death on the charge of killing Mamun Molla (20), a driver of Nasiman, a 3 wheeled mechanized vehicle.
Those who were awarded death penalty are Mizan (30) of Dakkhin Khanpur village, Sohag Fakir (29) of village Bhatta-Baliaghata, Ibrahim Molla (28) of Bhatta-Baliaghata Residential Centre and Ismail Molla (30) of the same residential centre under Sadar Upazila in Bagerhat district. The learned judge also convicted one Zainal Abedin of Dakop Upazila in Khulna district and sentenced him to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 2 years and to pay a fine of Tk. 5 thousand in default to suffer another rigorous imprisonment for 3 months more.
The prosecution story, in short, is that on September 01, 2013 death penalty awarded persons hired the Nasiman of Mamun Molla (20), son of one Abdullah Molla of village Hakimpur within Khanpur Union Parishad under the same Upazila for Khulna town and when they reached a lonely place within Batiagahata Upazila in Khulna district they (passengers) beat Mamun Molla mercilessly and strangulated him to death. Then they concealed the dead body in a ditch full of water-hyacinth and fled away by the Nasiman. Since then Nasiman driver Mamun Molla had been missing. After 2 days his father Abdullah lodged a GD with Bagerhat Sadar Model PS. After about 6 months the father came to know that his son’s Nasiman was purchased by one Zainal Abedin of village Chalna under Dakop Upazila in Khulna district and registered a murder case with Bagerhat Model PS mentioning the names of 4 young men and some others without mentioning their names on July 01, 2014 as the plaintiff. CID police arrested accused Sohag Fakir and Ibrahim Molla from a slum area of Narayangang. In a statement they confessed the murder of Nasiman driver Mamun Molla to the court. CID police investigated into the matter and submitted a charge sheet to the court on December 28, 2014 against 5 persons. Convicted Sohag Fakir and Ibrahim Molla were present in the court at the time the delivery of the judgment while the other convicted persons were absconding.