4 Food Department employees detained , 400 sack of rice seized

Barisal Correspondent :
Four Food Department employees detained and 400 sacks of rice seized by RAB-8 on Monday noon during sending illegally from Barisal Local Supply Depot (LSD) to Fulbari of Khulna.
Deputy assistant director (DAD) of RAB-8 Amjad Hossain acknowledging the facts, said basis of a tip off they raided Barisal LSD godown on Monday morning.
From there they detained four persons including Abdur Rahim, deputy assistant food inspector, Md. Shamsuddin, Md. Kabir Khan. Md. Arif, security guards of Barisal LSD engaged in loading rice on truck, for interrogation in this connection.
Decision about their fate would be taken by the higher authourity after interrogation, investigation, RAB-8 DAD told.
Abdullah Al Mamun, Barisal LSD godown in charge, managed to flee from his office, during the raid, RAB-8 DAD added.
Kabir, helper of the detained truck, said rice trader Abdus Sattar rented this truck (Jessore-TA-11-2976) to carry the rice from Barisal LSD to Fulbari of Khulna.
However in interrogation the persons detained by RAB claimed that the rice was loaded for supplying to Barisal RRF.
Amzad Hossain, Barisal regional controller (RC) of Food also acknowledged that the rice was loading from the godown to truck without any legal document.
There was a schedule of shipment of 20 tons (400 sacks) of rice from Barisal LSD to Barisal Range Reserve Force (RRF) on Monday morning, Amzad Hossain, RC food added.
Perhaps miscreants using that shipment document took supply of rice from LSD godown for loading on truck and the matter would be investigated, RC food said.
On other hand Habibur Rahman, Barisal RRF commandant in charge, said there was a schedule of taking supply of rice from local LSD for RRF on Monday morning.
Accordingly Monir Hossain, ration in charge of RRF, went to Barisal LSD on Monday morning. But the LSD godown in charge Abdullah Al Mamun informed that shipment for RRF would be supplied at afternoon.
