4 engineering universities divided over uniform admission test

Staff Reporter :
Four public engineering universities in principle decided to form a cluster to hold uniform admission test but difference of opinion surfaced over forming admission committee and on exam centre.
Top officials of universities while holding virtual meeting with the University Grants Commission on Wednesday said that academic council of their respective universities agreed on joining the uniform admission test titled “Central Admission Test”.
Top officials of UGC and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Chattogram University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) and Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) attended the meeting.
After the meeting, a vice chancellor wishing not to be named said that authorities of Buet proposed they will be chairman of the admission committee always and centre of the admission exam will be only at their campus.
“Authorities of three other universities differed with the Buet proposal, saying that chairmanship of admission committee should be by rotation and test centres should be at all four universities,” he said.
According to the UGC statement, four engineering universities are yet to take the final decision on cluster admission test.
“There is difference of opinion on formation of admission test committee and exam centres,” it said.
When contacted, UGC Member Muhammed Alamgir, who moderated the meeting, admitted that there is difference of opinion among the universities.