4 Ctg gas tragedy victims at CCU


Chattogram Bureau :
Four critically injured persons in recent gas line explosions in the Port City, three have been admitted in CCU and one sent to Dhaka with critical conditions.
CMCH sources said out of nine gas burn persons instantly sent to CMCH in the morning, of them 4 were admitted in casualty department, one in Orthpadix Department and one in Burn unit .
 The remaiiing three have been admitted in CCU. Meanwhile the Burn unit patient named Arpita Nath has been sent sent to Dhaka because of serious burn injury in face. Deputy Director of CMCH Dr.
Akhtarul Islam told that due to very critical conditions, three patients admitted in CCU and one sent to Dhaka for better treatment.
 Mentionable that the tragic gas line explosion occurred at Barua Bhaban in Patherghata today morning where 7 including children were killed.
