4 cops hurt as BCL activists attack police team in Dimla


Nilphamar Correspondent :
Four policemen were injured in the attack of Bangladesh Chhattra League (BCL) activists in Dimla upazila of the district as police detained motorbike of party’s upazila unit general secretary for verifying documents at 6.3p.m on Saturday (26 April).
Police fired from shotgun to disperse the unruly activists and bring the situation under control.
Police filed a case against 50 leaders and activists of BCL on the same night.
Police sources informed that as part of ongoing ‘drive against crimes week’ from 20 April-27 April, a team of about 20 policemen of Dimla police station was checking motorbikes and verifying documents of bike owners at Shaheed Minar intersection at the center of the town on Saturday evening.
At one stage, police stopped motorbike of Uttom Kumar Roy, General Secretary of Dimla upazila unit of BCL. Uttom identified himself as BCL secretary and asked police to let him go with motorbike but police was stick to its position causing a hot altercation.
Being informed, about 40-50 BCL activists equipped with sticks from nearby office of the organization rushed to the spot and attacked police. At that time four policemen were injured.
