4.68 lakh babies to get Vitamin A Plus capsule in Rangpur

BSS, Rangpur :
A total of 4,68,675 under five babies will be immunised with Vitamin A Plus capsules tomorrow (Saturday) while conducting the National Vitamin A Plus Campaign 25 April- 2015 in the district.
The district health administrations, authorities of Rangpur City Corporation (RCC), Badarganj and Haragachh pourashavas have completed preparations to make the Vitamin A Plus Campaign successful, Civil Surgeon Dr Mozammel Hossain said.
The campaign will be conducted under the auspices of the Public Health & Nutrition Institute (PHNI) and National Nutrition Services (NNS) under the Ministry of Health and Family Planning and assistance of the UNICEF.
Under the Campaign, one dose of one lakh unit Vitamin A Blue capsule will be administered among 57,979 babies (6-11 months) and one dose two lakh unit Vitamin A Red capsule among 4,10,696 babies (12-59 months) in the district.
Of them, 17,826 babies (6-11 months) and 1,08,343 others (12-59 months) will be administered with one dose of one lakh unit Vitamin A Plus Blue capsule and one dose of two lakh unit Vitamin A Red capsule respectively in all 33 wards of Rangpur city alone.
Besides, 40,153 babies of 6-11 month age group will be administered with one dose Vitamin A Blue capsule and 3,60,332 babies of 12-59 month age group with one dose of one lakh unit Vitamin A Blue capsule in all eight upazilas in the district.
A total of 7,873 health and family welfare assistants and 534 trained supervisors will work at 2,268 centres in the city and 76 unions and special arrangements will be made at the bus terminals, rail stations and other places to make the campaign a success.
The Civil Surgeon said the campaign will be conducted to increase disease resistant capacities of babies to reduce death risks, save them from blindness caused by Vitamin A deficiency and disseminate knowledge among people on nutritional aspects for children.
The under- five babies, who were immunised with Vitamin A Plus Capsules anytime during the past four months period, do not need to be immunised during the campaign.
He said Vitamin A can prevent mal-nutritional blindness, especially night blindness, bitot’s spots and corneal lesions and also narrated importance for continuation of Vitamin A supplementation for healthier growth of the children.