3G subscribers now 4.85 mn


bdnews24.com :
The number of 3G (Third Generation) mobile-phone subscribers increased by 530 percent in the last eight months.
According to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), the number of 3G service users reached 4.85 million at the end of July, against 0.77 million in November.
A commission media release said on Thursday the number of mobile-phone subscribers rose by 7.52 million and internet by 3.1 million in the last one year.
It said 116.87 million people subscribed to cell-phone services until July-end this year, against 109.35 million in Aug last year.
According to the release, the number of internet subscribers was 39.05 million at July-end, while it was 36.25 million in Aug last year.
Four private mobile-phone operators were given 3G licences in Sept last year through auctions. State-owned Teletalk got the licence without going through any competitive process and launched the service in Oct, 2012.
BTRC says the five operators have already extended their 3G networks to all divisional headquarters and ‘important’ district towns.
