38 students of DIU get int’l scholarship


In the last one month 38 Students & 5 Faculty members of Daffodil International University left Dhaka for learning and teaching in abroad under different scholarship programs like: Erasmus+, Mevlana Scholarship, Korean Government Scholarship as well as Student Exchange program. 2 student Fazle Rabby of Software Engineering (SWE) Department and Shermin Sadia of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) Department got a full free scholarship at Staffordshire University, England under “Erusmas + Scholarship Year 2017”.
8 students from different department of DIU received “Mevlana Scholarship Year 2017” at Karabuk University (KU), Turkey and left Dhaka on February 06, 2017 to study. This is a full free scholarship that will cover all expenses of the student for one semester. 6 students from Nutrition & Food Engineering (NFE) department of DIU are studying at Kasetsart University, Thailand as an Exchange Researcher for one semester as an Exchange Student.
