357 raped, 27 murdered in public transports in 5 years


Staff Reporter :
About 4, 601 women experienced painful sexual harassment in public buses, other transports, bus stand and railway stations from 2017 to till August 7, 2022. By this time, 357 women were raped, 27 murdered.
This information has been revealed by a road safety organization ‘Save the Road’ on Monday.
Save the Road’s Secretary General Santa Farzana said, this information was collected from published news of 31 daily newspapers, various news agencies and TV channels.
Besides, Save the Road Chairman Z M Kamrul Anam, founder Momin Mehidi and Zila and Upazila’s volunteers helped accumulate the data, she added.
Santa Farzana said the bus stands in our country are not well organized nor safe. As a result, a few perverted people make comments about women outfits and eve tease them. Sometimes they have behaved more aggressively and try to harassment the woman.
She said same thing happened in railway stations, launch ghat and even in airport also.
Save the Road showed that those women have faced harassment who wear religious outfit Burkha.
 Santa Farzana said, 99 out of every 100 women are victims of oppression. Among them, the number of women wearing burqa or hijab is 67 and the number of women wearing other clothes is 32. The reason behind this is the low mentality of men, disobedience of religious rules even if they are clothed and the culture of non-judgment.
