352-member Swechchhasebak Dal committee announced


City Desk :
Nearly one and a half years after the formation of its partial committee, a full-fledged 352-member committee of BNP’s voluntary wing Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal was announced on Wednesday.
BNP high-command approved the full committee, said a party press release signed by its senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
The approved committee includes 29 vice-presidents, 21 joint secretaries, 34 assistant general secretaries, 63 assistant organizational secretaries and various other secretaries and 102 members, reports UNB.z
Mostafizur Rahman was made the president while Abdul Kader Bhuiyan Jewel general secretary, Golam Sarwar No-1 vice president, Saiful Islam Firoz No-1 joint secretary, Yasin Ali organising secretary and Rafiqul Islam office secretary.
