35 policemen get training to fight COVID-19

City Desk :
Some 35 policemen were imparted training on how they will fight against COVID-19 outbreak on an emergency basis properly.
District police administration, Rajshahi organized the training on its office premises aimed at making its people fit for battling the invisible enemy side by side with ensuring emergency primary aid to the infected policemen.
In the daylong training, the participants were given ideas on how to operate oximeter, nebulizer machine, oxygen cylinder, ECG machine and personal protective gears besides giving knowledge on how to maintain health protective and precautionary measures to stem coronavirus.
Superintendent of Police (SP) Muhammad Shahidullah inaugurated the training as chief guest while Chief Medical Officer of Rajshahi District Police Hospital Dr Jaber Chowdhury conducted the training session as resource person.
SP Shahidullah said the policemen remain active to stem the virus outbreak everywhere in the district.
They have distributed leaflets to create awareness among the public in general about the adverse impact of the virus. Side by side with the humanitarian and protective support, many of the grassroots populations were brought under various motivational and awareness campaigns to fight COVID-19 outbreak.
Shahidullah also said the trained policemen will help disseminate ideas among their fellowmen on how to use the protective gears like face masks effectively besides maintaining social and physical distancing.
The working policemen will also learn about how to wash hands and follow other health related guidelines to contain the spread of coronavirus by them.
As a whole, we have to disseminate awareness messages on coronavirus among the community people so that they can protect themselves from the invisible enemy, he added.
