341 passenger trains in service now, JS told


Despite having shortage of coaches, locomotives and manpower at this moment, 341 passenger trains are operating daily on different routes of Bangladesh Railway (BR).
Railways Minister M Mazibul Hoque said this in the Jatiya Sangsad on Monday while replying to a question from treasury bench member Amina Ahmed.
“We would undertake initiatives to provide additional train service after collecting coaches, locomotives and recruiting necessary manpower,” he informed the House.
The minister said currently an inter-city train -Moitree Express- is operating between Bangladesh and India. The train is providing service three days in a week from Bangladesh to India and three days in a week from India to Bangladesh.
The government is examining the introduction of another inter-country passenger train on Khulna-Kolkata-Khulna route via Benapole, he added.
Replying to another question from treasury bench member Begum Sanjida Khanam, he informed the House that 44 districts are under the railway network at the moment.
“The Bangladesh Railway has undertaken a 20-year (2010-2030) mega plan at a cost of Taka 2,33,944.21 crore to implement 235 projects,” the minister said.
Besides, the Prime Minister issued a directive to bring all districts under the railway network during her visit to the Railways Ministry on October 23, 2014, he added.
