326 new dengue patients hospitalised

UNB, Dhaka :
A total of 326 people were hospitalised across the country with dengue in the last 24 hours till 8am on Friday.
Of them, 78 were admitted to hospitals in the capital and 248 in other parts of the country, said the Directorate General of Health Services.
Currently, 1,398 dengue patients, including 497 in Dhaka, are being treated at hospitals, it said.
Bangladesh has experienced a massive outbreak of the mosquito-borne disease this year. But the situation started improving from the beginning of September with relatively low number of new cases.
Since January, 89,347 people were hospitalised with dengue, most of them
 in Dhaka. Of them, 87,713 went home after full recovery.
The Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research received reports of 236 dengue-related deaths since the beginning of this year. It has reviewed 136 cases so far and confirmed 81 people had died of dengue.
