32,000 skilled manpower developed in ICT sector

Economic Reporter :
The government developed 32,000 skilled manpower based on ICT in the last five years to address the shortage of manpower in the country’s fast expanding information and communications technology industry.
The government has set a target of exporting ICT products worth US$5 billion by 2021 as the ICT industry has capacity to reach the target following creation of the skilled manpower, said ICT experts.
Executive Director of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) Partha Pratim Deb told the news agency earlier there was a shortage of skilled workforce in the country’s ICT sector and now the vacuum has been fulfilled largely after creation of the 32,000 skilled manpower.
“Youths are the driving force of Bangladesh and we would have to build them up as skilled manpower to face the twenty first century and build a Digital Bangladesh,” he said.
An official familiar to the program of `Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance (LICT) said the ICT division had recruited a United Kingdom (UK) based institution `Ernst & Young’ (EY) to instruct the youths.
The 32,000 graduate and post graduate youths from the colleges and universities of the country were selected through online examination. Later, they were provided with training by the local and foreign instructors of the UK based institution.
Some 10,000 youths, out of total number of trained youths, who are post-graduate in IT and science back ground, got training on Top-Up IT. The rest of 21,930 non-IT graduates received training on foundation course.