31st half-yearly business conference of Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDICL) held recently in the city. Chairman of the company Abdul Hafiz Choudhury was present at the conference as chief guest. Farzana Chowdhury ACII (UK), Managing Director and CEO, Branch Managers and Zonal heads of GDICL participated the programme among others.

31st half-yearly business conference of Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDICL) held recently in the city. Chairman of the company Abdul Hafiz Choudhury was present at the conference as chief guest. Farzana Chowdhury ACII (UK), Managing Director and
31st half-yearly business conference of Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDICL) held recently in the city. Chairman of the company Abdul Hafiz Choudhury was present at the conference as chief guest. Farzana Chowdhury ACII (UK), Managing Director and

