31,340 educational instns to get laptop, multimedia projector & modem, JS told


The government would set up multimedia classrooms at 31,340 educational institutions by providing laptop, multimedia projector, speaker and modem.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said this in the Jatiya Sangsad on Tuesday while replying to a question from treasury bench member Tipu Sultan.
“The government would also train 5,20,820 teachers for operating multimedia and modern technology based classrooms,” he informed the House.
Nahid said the government so far provided ICT equipment (Laptop, multimedia projector, speaker and internet connection) along with modem facilities to 23,331 educational institutions and also training to 24,122 teachers on making digital content for multimedia classrooms under the ‘ICT for Education in Secondary and Higher Secondary Level’ Project (Phase-2).
He said that the Development Project Proposal (DPP) of the project was submitted at the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) meeting held at the planning commission on June 19, 2016.
Besides, Nahid added, the government would provide education equipment to 10,000 selected educational institutions and science apparatus side by side with repairing the science labs of 20,000 educational institutions.
