30,000 families marooned Heavy rain paralyses normal life in Rangpur

People wade through a road in Rangpur city submerged under waist-deep water following record rainfall in the district on Sunday.
People wade through a road in Rangpur city submerged under waist-deep water following record rainfall in the district on Sunday.

Rangpur Correspondent :
The incessant rainfall for last two consecutive days marooned around thirty thousand families of Rangpur city. Most of the areas of 33 wards of the city went underwater due to the incessant rain, lasted for about 14 hours causing severe sufferings to the city dwellers.
The rain began at 8.00 pm on Saturday night and ended at 10.00 am on Sunday. Power supply in the city remained shut for around ten hours.
Assistant director, Rangpur Met office, Mostafizur Rahaman said some 433 mm rainfall was recorded during the last fourteen hours. Many families in the city have left their homes and took an alternative shelter in their relatives houses.
The only drainage system Shyma Sundori canal of the city becomes over flooded. The interlink drains of the canal had been broken due to the rush of water. Almost roads and even the main road of the city were submerged.
Croplands and ponds were flooded. City dwellers have to live in the city amid the water stagnation with severe sufferings. The low paid income group people have been suffering the worst.
Many of the city dwellers said, they did not experience this type of rainfall and the flooding situation in their lifetime. Abul Khair Mohammad Masum, a resident of Mahadebpur area of the city said, he along with his family had to shift to his relative’s flat as his house went underwater.
We are facing new instances of flooding. It has broken the record of 1988 flood, he added.
Nur Nabi, a van puller, who was also a resident of Nupur area of the city said, he could not go outside for work as his house had been submerged. He had to shift his five-member family to an abandoned house in the highland.
I have not yet bought any food for my family due to shortage of money. Rangpur City Corporation Mayor, Mostafizur Rhaman said, water remained stagnant in the city due to heavy rainfall during the last twenty-four hours. The construction of improved drainage system has going on fast in every ward of the city. We instructed all the ward councilors to take care of the vulnerable people.
