Teaching in English medium schools: ‘30 pc of parents unhappy’


BSS, Dhaka :
Thirty percent parents of students of English medium schools have expressed dissatisfaction over the teaching method of the schools, saying that they want schools to improve systems to address special educational needs of the students.
According to a survey, 27 percent parents also said that the teaching styles of the teachers do not match the learning styles of their children and 28 percent parents said that the yearly examinations and assessment at English medium schools are not fairly done.
The Cardiff International School Dhaka (CISD) conducted the survey with the help of “Lets Live”, a voluntary organization. The survey was conducted among parents and guardians on different issues of education in English medium schools in Bangladesh. The aim of the survey is to find the ground realities regarding the participation of parents as part of democracy in the English medium school culture.
More than 500 parents and guardians of 50 English medium schools in Dhaka and Khulna took part in the survey. The CISD unveiled the findings of the survey through a focused group discussion (FGD) held in the school auditorium at Dhanmondi here this afternoon.
Principal Head of School of CISD G.M Nizam Uddin presided over the function.
Deep Adhikari, Director (Examination Services) of British Council, Abdullah Al Mamun Liton, Regional Manager of Pearson Education, Suzy Chowdhury, School Development Manager of Cambridge International Examinations, were present on the occasion with principals and teachers of different English medium schools.
In the survey, 28 percent parents said that they send their children to English medium school because they want to send them for further study abroad.
Twenty-eight percent parents said that their children have no sense of belongingness to their school and 38 percent parents want that the English medium schools should have playground. Thirty-four percent parents said that they have role to play to make sure that their children are supported at schools, while 22 percent parents said that their children do not enjoy going to schools and 31 percent parents said that their children somewhat enjoy going to school.
