3 teachers detained in connection of solving HSC question


Barisal Correspondent :
Police detained three teachers of two colleges while they were solving question of ongoing HSC examinations on Monday at Wazirpur upazila town.
Shishir Kumar Pal, Officer- in- charge of Wazirpur Police Station, said the arrested three were Paresh Bepari, Samiron Biswas, teachers of Ramerkathi Technical and Business Management College and Abul Kashem, teacher of Shahid Smaranika Degree College of the upazila. Police raided the house as getting information of Paresh Bepari at the Mahar area of the upazila town after starting of the examination at about 11:00 am on Monday morning.
There found that those three teachers taking snaps of the accounting question paper of business education group on smart phone from B N Khan College center, solving answers for supplying to the examinees. A case would be lodged under public examination act in this connection, police sources added.
