3 sued over anomalies in construction of DAE bldg

UNB, Chuadanga :
Three people have been sued in connection with the use of bamboo sticks instead of iron rod in the construction of a Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) building in Darshana upazila.
The accused are Moni Singh, owner of Joy International Construction, the contractor firm that did the construction work, and Abdus Sattar, director of its consulting division, and Ayub Hossain, purchase officer of the firm. “Merina Zebun Nahar, innovation officer of the Agriculture Ministry, filed the case with Damurhuda police station on Monday night,” said Liakat Ali, officer-in-charge of the police station.
Two more probe bodies were formed on Monday to investigate the allegation. The district administration formed a three-member probe body, headed by Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Abdur Razzak, to look into the matter, said Damurhuda Upazila Nirbahi Officer Faridur Rahman.
The committee has been asked to submit its report within seven days, he added. Besides, the Agriculture Ministry formed another three-member probe panel in this regard. Meanwhile, an investigation team of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) of Kushtia circle, led by its deputy director Abdul Gaffar, visited the spot.
Earlier on Friday, a three-member panel was formed to investigate the anomalies. The committee was formed with Khamarbari Plant Quarantine Wing director Soumen Saha as its head. Two other members of the probe panel are project director of the DAE Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity Project Ayub Hossain and DAE Chuadanga deputy director Nirmal Kumar Dey. On April 07, the authorities concerned shut the construction work of the DAE Plant Quarantine Wing building following an allegation that the construction was being done with bamboo sticks as an alternative to iron rod.